Monday, July 1, 2013

Book 1 Progress

I am in the home stretch of the rough draft! Yay! All of my beta readers have given it a solid 5 stars, so far! It will be off to the editor at the end of the month for a last look edit and formatting for publication.

My cover reveal is scheduled for July 22nd and hosted by Ena at They can also be found on facebook at My amazing original artwork is by Nosim. She can be found at My digital artist is as equally talented and can be found at

And I am so excited to announce that Paranormal Book Club will be hosting my blog tour set for Sept. 23-Oct. 4 (weekdays only). They will be sending out emails soon for sign ups. They can be found at and

The support I have received being an unknown indie author is absolutely amazing! Thank you all so much!!!
