Thursday, September 19, 2013


Publishing for the first time is an amazing, scary, and exhilarating feeling! I imagine you might see this post in your feed and just keep scrolling, but whether a book is good, bad or indifferent it's an amazing accomplishment for any author who has put their heart and soul into it. So I say kudos to all authors who have put themselves out there for the world to judge and you will always have my support for your bravery and confidence! I love all of you guys, including the readers who make us want to create! Thank you for your support, love, and loyalty! xo

I am a total rookie and publishing on 5 sites that all have different time frames (12-72 hrs) for uploading, so I started the process tonight. Who knows when this stuff will go live...LOL! I promise I will post as soon as I see LIVE links. If you see it first then feel free to private message me. I did activate paperback orders through Amazon, but that takes longer to go live than ebooks. If you want both I would wait for the paperback because I have it set to discount the ebook if bought together :-).

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